Maintainenance, preservation, restoration and improvements of Bennett Cemetery are entirely dependent on donations. We need your gift to help preserve this historic Texas cemetery. Without the help of many people, we cannot do this. Please help us!

Every donation is greatly appreciated and will be acknowledged in writing.

Why not join our ADOPT-A-MOWING CLUB? Some donors have assumed the responsibility for providing the funds for one annual mowing (currently $100.00) of the two and one-half acre cemetery. We need fifteen to twenty mowings each season. A few donors have joined with relatives or friends to collectively provide for one or more complete mowing(s) each year. Can you consider membership in this group?

We are in the first stages of establishing a permanent fund that we hope, over time, will grow large enough so that the interest earned on the principle will provide most of the upkeep expenses of the cemetery. That will be a long time in the future, but we have made a beginning, thanks to a large gift restricted to that purpose. This kind of donation is very much appreciated, but please remember that we also need to cut the grass this year and every year.

Acknowledgments of MEMORIAL GIFTS are sent to both the donor and the person designated by the donor to receive the notification, and the size of the gift is revealed only to the donor. A very nice form of remembrance for a friend or relative or anyone interested in historical preservation.

We need your donation now. Checks should be made payable to Friends of Bennett Cemetery. Please send your donation to:
The Friends of Bennett Cemetery, Inc.
c/o Gene D. Bethel
14264 Coral Harbor Ct.
Dallas, Texas 75234

Or if you prefer to use your credit card, just follow the link below to PayPal.
Our account name with PayPal is: The Friends of Bennett Cemetery, Inc.

PayPal Link to Come!

We are an I.R.S. Section 501 (c) (3) organization

By letter dated November 16, 2001, the Internal Revenue Service advised us that The Friends of Bennett Cemetery, Inc. had been recognized as an organization as described in section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Our assigned I.D. is #31312. Gifts are normally tax deductible for persons and organizations who itemize deductions on their federal income tax. Our corporate legal address is that shown above.